Can exercise improve Mental Health?

Are you annoyed of the side effects of most anti-depressant medications? What if exercise could treat depression and many other mental health issues? Mild to moderate depression can be treated with exercise and it has been proven according to studies to be as effective as medication except without the side-effects. In fact, starting an exercise plan today can help prevent further issues surrounding your mental health. 

Benefits Of Exercise

  • Sharper Memory & Thinking
    • Did you know that working out can actually extend your life? Building new brain cells, extending your life, and feeling much better at the same time. What could be better?
  • Higher Self-esteem
    • Biggest investment that you should make in life is investing in yourself. Working out is one of the ways to invest in yourself. Not only is it good for your body but when you look good, you feel good. Keep accomplishing goals and you'll feel incredible in no time. 
  • Better Sleep
    • Who doesn't love sleep? Exercise can improve the quality of sleep you get every night. Whether its calming yoga at night before bed or a run first thing in the morning. 
  • More Energy
    • Increasing your heart rate multiple times a week can actually improve your readiness and response time. Make sure to stay on top of your game! 
  • Stronger Resilience
    • Feeling stressed? Depressed? Tired?
    • Exercise can actually improve your overall mental health and make you better equipped to face these challenges in the future instead of turning to alcohol or drugs.

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Feeling Exhausted
    • Last thing you want to do is workout because you feel like it will make it worse when in reality exercise can actually help to improve your energy levels and make you want to push harder and harder each workout. 
  • Feeling Overwhelmed
    • How can you possibly add an exercise into an already packed schedule? Maybe you don't feel like you have time. Truth is exercise can help you have the energy to do everything you need to do throughout your day. It will eventually become an enjoyable park of your stressful day. 
  • Feeling Hopeless
    • "I've never worked out before," or "I don't know what I am doing." Thats totally fine because starting small and working up is the best possible way to go about starting a new exercise plan. 
  • Feeling bad about yourself 
    • Don't like how you look? Don't like that your new jeans have become a little bit tighter? IT'S OKAY! Start small. Surround yourself with those who are just starting out as well. Small hurdles will become large hurdles and those pants will fit in no time. 
  • Feeling Pain
    • "When I workout my knees hurt." Again IT'S OKAY, many people suffer from achey joints and or many other health issues that cause pain and starting out small with a fitness plan catered to your needs is exactly the way to go. Soon enough that pain you once felt from you achey knees will be a thing of the past. 

Getting Started

  • Its Smart to Start Small 
    • Set simple achievable goals and work up from there. 
  • Workout when energy is highest
    • Something as simple as a short 15 walk can help to improve your mind, mood, and energy level. 
  • Be Comfortable
    • Comfortable clothing and a Comfortable setting are crucial.
  • Reward Yourself
    • Take the time to reward yourself for the exercise you just completed, whether its a sweet treat or new shoes. 
  • Make it a Social Activity
    • Companionship can be just as important as the exercise itself.



The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2018, from


Miller, A. M. (2017, December 11). How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When You Have Depression. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from